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Already Mathematicians

Ryan and Courtney Flessner

February 24th
at Butler University, Pharmacy and Health Sciences Building Room 106


9:00 am-3:00 pm




breakfast, lunch and a certificate for earned professional growth hours


Already Mathematicians:
nurturing mathematical thinking in early childhood

Curious about how to teach math in preschool and Kindergarten? Even the youngset children are experiencing math in their everyday lives and engaging in math during free play, so the simple answer is: seize everyday opportunities to make mathematical concepts visible to students and push their thinking forward.

In this workshop, teachers in pre-K and Kindergarten will learn how to do just that, identifying ways that students are naturally mathematical in their play. Teacher will learn how to:

– Recognize and name mathematical thinking that emerges naturally during their play

– Create opportunities that encourage and expand mathematical understanding

– Assess students’ understanding of math concepts and track learning over time

– Scaffold learning by engaging students in conversations that push their thinking forward

Ryan and Courtney use video from real classrooms as well as hands-on games and provocations to help early childhood educators envision what a classroom looks like and sounds like when young mathematicians are at work.

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