Real-World Multiplication and Division Problems

Educators in all grade levels must provide students with real-world problems to solve. Rather than discussing strategies students might use to multiply and divide in Grades K-8, we use this series of videos to: Describe different ways teachers can construct problems while ensuring students deeply understand multiplication and division concepts and Examine real-world contexts in which students apply their knowledge of multiplication and division. As we discuss the construction of contextualized problems, we also explore ways to make these problems real-world, realistic, and relevant to the lives of students. The K-2 standards in this series do not pertain to real-world problems. However, they are excellent precursors to preparing students to engage in this work in Grades 3-8.

Overview Real World Multiplication and Division with Ryan Flessner

Kindergarten Real World Multiplication and Division with Courtney Flessner

Grade 1 Real World Multiplication and Division with Courtney Flessner

GRADE 2—Real-World Multiplication and Division Problems with RyanFlessner

GRADE 3—Real-World Multiplication and Division Problems with Ryan Flessner

GRADE 4—Real-World Multiplication and Division Problems with Ryan Flessner

GRADE 5—Real-World Multiplication and Division Problems with Ryan Flessner

Grade 6 Real World Multiplication and Division with Ryan Flessner

Grades 7-8 Real World Multiplication and Division with Ryan Flessner

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