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Genre Study: The Personal Narrative

Jenny Byrd

March 11th
at Virtual Event


4:30 pm-6:00 pm



In this workshop, Jenny will take you through the process she has as a teacher planning for the Personal Narrative writing unit as well as what she does with her students. She’ll describe how she plans her mini-lessons, the mentor texts she uses and why, and offer examples of how student work and thinking drives her instruction.  Participants will be able to analyze examples of student work throughout various stages of the writing process, and Jenny will share how she uses conferring to individualize each student’s work.  Although geared toward the personal narrative genre study, this process will work for any writing unit you are planning!

This workshop is first in a 3-part series, Educators in the Spotlight: Effective Literacy Practices Straight from Classroom Teachers and Leaders. Attend one session for $20 or all three for $50. 


Jenny Byrd is a 2nd Grade teacher at The Center For Inquiry 84 in Indianapolis Public Schools. She has been teaching Writing Workshop and attending The Partnership for Inquiry Learning workshops for 15 years.  Jenny has learned a great deal from mentors like Katherine Bomer, Isoke Nia and Katie Wood Ray throughout her work with The Partnership.  She is very passionate about teaching writing in the primary grades and is excited to share her passion with other teachers.

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